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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Part 2: Making a little clay frog

Here is a quick guide to how I made the little frog.

Using air drying clay, make 2 small balls, a medium ball and shape into a football, a large ball, and lastly 2 short and 2 long lengths of clay.
Using one of the short lengths, I squashed one end using a clay tool
I then made two cuts as shown to make the little toes. Do this with the other short length. These will be the front arms.
With the long length I again made the toes and then gently bent in half. You may need to use water and or tools to flatten and smooth any cracks. Do this with both long lengths and you have your back legs.
You can now join the legs to the body, which is the large ball.
For the head I used the medium football shape. With my clay tool I gently started to make a big mouth. See below
Add the two small balls for the eyes and you can poke little eyes with a skewer or even the back of a texta.
Here is the finished product! I added a little tounge too.
These are the frogs the class made. They did a great job but air drying clay can be hard to work with. Some of my class struggled with cracking and the clay falling apart. I helped warming up the clay and getting it ready for them to work with.

Here are the painted Lily pads and flowers the kids made.
Next week we will paint the frogs so stay tuned!

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